25+ Interesting Gamers Words For Social Media Status | Can Make Boyfriend Gombalin!

Along with the increasingly sophisticated specifications possessed by today’s HPs, today HP is no longer only able to be used as a communication tool but also a medium for playing games.

Because of that, there are now so many new gamers that have sprung up, even from various ages and genders.

Gaming trends are increasingly valued by many people and then gave birth to special terms that are only understood by gamers’ children.

Words of Gamers

Although it seems only busy playing games, but in reality the experience of playing games actually makes gamers more creative when composing words, you know.

Starting from the words that are funny, cheesy, to the wise they are all able to eat. I was so interesting, these words gamers are not infrequently used as a status by other fellow gamers.

Well, for you who want to interesting gamers words make it status on social media or just want to entertain yourself by reading it, here ApkVenue has collected it especially for you, friends.

Words of FF Gamers

Is one battle royale game that has a lot of enthusiasts, Free Fire game not only able to provide entertainment but also has created creativity for the players.

The proof, they are able to create the words of Free Fire gamers that are entertaining for anyone who reads it.

Do not believe? Just consider the words of the following FF gamers children! Oh, yeah, if you’re not satisfied, you can also read a special article about the words Free Fire, yes.

Kamu tahu kenapa aku lebih suka main Free Fire dariapda chattingan? Karena mencari booyah lebih gampang daripada mencari topik pembicaraan.

Ditinggal pas lagi sayang banget itu sakit, tapi ditinggal pas lagi knocked out itu lebih sakit lagi.

Seindah-indahnya kamu punya kenangan sama mantan, tapi tak seindah kenanganku dengan Paloma saat ku booyah.

Free Fire bisa memberitahuku mana teman yang mau berbagi dan yang mau menang sendiri.

Booyah tanpa pengorbanan itu mustahil, seperti AWM tanpa scope.

Words of Gamers PUBG

Being able to briefly attract the attention of gamers around the world with gameplay it offers, at this time the PUBG game is not only in demand by male gamers but also women.

Well, for you PUBG fans who are looking for interesting captions to write on social media, the following PUBG gamers words might be the right choice, friends.

Di dalam game PUBG kami diajarkan bukan sekadar untuk berperang, namun kita di ajarkan bagaimana bertarung dan menjaga tim agar bisa mendapatkan Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

Jika kamu turun di Pochinki, aku akan mengikutimu agar aku bisa menjagamu dari seseorang yang akan menyakitimu.

Cowok main game PUBG wajar karena cewek lebih suka ditembak daripada dikejar.

PDKT mu jangan seperti GTA, dikode baru peka. Seharusnya seperti PUBG, ketemu langsung tembak.

Jika aku mendapatkan scope 8x, akan kupergunakan untuk mengawasimu dari jarak jauh agar aku tahu seberapa buruk kelakuanmu dibelakangku.

Words of Gamers ML

Not only good at composing a mission to win the game alone, lovers of the MOBA Mobile Legends game also turned out to be good at composing words, you know.

Well, for you Mobile Legends game players, do you think the following words of ML gamers are in accordance with reality or not?

Dear cewek, jika pacar kamu bales chat lama atau alasan mau tidur atau alasan ada kerjaan, percayalah pada saat itu mereka sedang mencari victory.

Kami player ML bukan Dilan
Kami generasi 18 bukan 90
Kami rindu savage bukan Milea
Dilanmu tak setampan Gusion kami
Milea mu tak secantik Kagura kami
Bilang ke fans Dilan 'Bioskop mu tak seramai arena kami'.

Kenapa gue lebih suka Mobile Legend daripada Motor GP? Karena gue lebih suka bantu temen daripada nikung temen.

Gue ajak mantan mabar di ranked terus gue AFK biar dia tahu rasanya ditinggalin itu gimana.

Pacar nyuruh berhenti merokok, gue berhenti merokok. Pacar nyuruh berhenti maen Mobile Legend, gue berhenti pacaran.

Words of Gamers for Boyfriends

Ngegombalin girlfriend using seduction or guessing Alay? That, though, is already too mainstream, friends!

Try combining your girlfriend using the words gamers for the following boyfriend. Guaranteed to blush!

Bersyukurlah buat kalian yang punya pacar seorang gamers khususnya wanita, karena pacar kalian bukan sibuk cari yang baru tapi mereka sibuk dengan game seru.

Aku tak seperti shotgun yang siaga menjagamu dari jarak dekat. Tapi, aku seperti AWM yang memantau dan menjagamu dari jarak jauh.

Cinta kita sama seperti AWM dan peluru magnum, sama-sama saling membutuhkan dan jika salah satu tidak ada maka dua-duanya tidak berguna.

Aku menembak di game saja belum tentu ON TARGET apalagi nembak kamu pasti MISSION FAILED.

Kamu bagaikan granat yang bisa mengejutkanku, hanya dengan senyuman manismu.

English Gamers Words

Do you want to look more cool by using English caption? If so the following English gamers words are very suitable for you to make a caption or status on social media.

Only good gamer who can put up from any situations.

Only true gamers can survive in any situation.

The only way to become the good gamer is learn, learn, and learn.

The only way to become a good gamer is to study, study, and study.

There's no zero chance when we're playing. Just try whether we would win or not.

There is no hope when we play. We just need to try to lose or win it.

You have to handle every situation to be a winner on a match.

You have to be able to overcome all situations to be a winner in a match.

There's no way to be a good gamer in a short time.. So you have to go carefully.

There is no way to become a good gamer in a short amount of time … So you have to be careful.

The final word

Well, that was the collection of unique and interesting gamers words that ApkVenue has collected especially for you all, friends.

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